Raised: $84,337.42
Goal: $100,000
Raised: $84,337.42
Goal: $100,000

Please help us reach our goal of fully funding next year's membership-approved PTA budget. More info below. 

$ .00

The PTA supports a number of events and programs critical to maximizing our kids’ elementary education experience. In the current era, when faced with significant deficits in district funding, membership has continuously voted to honor school administration recommendations to fund critical staff positions (namely intervention and counseling) rather than seeing them scaled back or eliminated.

This is, of course, in addition to the funds needed to maintain PTA support for existing events, programs, advocacy and community building efforts.

We have been fortunate over the past couple years to use PTA funding reserves to greatly offset the per student ask of families. However, with significantly heightened costs, those reserves are now largely depleted and we need your help to keep up with the current needs of the building.

Every dollar raised supports our kids through the GHE PTA General Fund.